

类型: 其他
年份: 2020
地区: 美国
类型: 电影
导演: Daniel Farrands / Andrew Kasch
演员: 约翰尼·德普
简介:  本片是专门为影史最卖座恐怖电影<猛鬼街>系列制作的纪录片,本片将揭秘鬼王-弗兰迪的更多精彩幕后。   Explore the origins of everyones favorite hideously charred boogeyman, discover the secrets of the horror franchise that keeps coming back, and fin 展开
简介:  本片是专门为影史最卖座恐怖电影<猛鬼街>系列制作的纪录片,本片将揭秘鬼王-弗兰迪的更多精彩幕后。   Explore the origins of everyones favorite hideously charred boogeyman, discover the secrets of the horror franchise that keeps coming back, and find out just what an impact Wes Cravens creation has had on the world of pop culture in this documentary narrated by original Nightmare on Elm Street star Heather Langencamp. In-depth interviews with the actors and filmmakers who helped make Freddy Krueger a true icon of fright reveal delicious details about the series thats been giving horror fans goose-bumps since 1984, and newly unearthed materials offer a better look than ever at the Elm Street legacy. Highlights include interviews with Wes Craven, John Saxon, and Robert Englund, as well as behind-the-scenes footage, special effects footage, and deleted scenes.   Child murderer. Dream demon. The bastard son of a hundred maniacs. Any way yo
永不入睡:猛鬼街传奇在线播放高清视频资源由小意影院收集整理,是由Daniel Farrands / Andrew Kasch导演、约翰尼·德普主演,于2020年上映的美国视频。小意影院将后续提供更多最新好看的电影、电视剧、影视资源。
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